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You are here: Explore > Millennium Promenade > Millennium Promenade - The Square Tower
The Square Tower, built in 1494, was one of Henry VII’s additions to the town defences and is now one of Portsmouth’s oldest and best known landmarks. Between the Square Tower and Round Tower crowds often gather to welcome craft from tall ships to warships – everyone receives a hero’s welcome.
In the past, the Square Tower has been used as the military governor’s residence, a powder magazine, and a water and meat store. In 1823 the Admiralty installed a semaphore signalling station on top of the Square Tower, which remained until 1848.
The sallyport you can see adjacent to the Square Tower was used in the 1800s to bring in stores. The second sallyport to the right, known as The King’s Stairs, was used by officers and dignitaries to enter Old Portsmouth.
The bust of Charles I inset into the North East wall of Square Tower was a gift to the city from the king in 1635, following his fruitless travels in Europe in search of a bride. It’s inscription reads: "After his travels through France into Spain and having passed many dangers both sea and land he arrived here on the 5th day of October 1623".
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