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You are here: Featured Pages > Virtual Portsmouth > Hotwalls Studios
The Hotwalls Studios are Portsmouth's creative hub - where artists, designers and makers come together in a converted scheduled monument to create fantastic and unique pieces. There's a host of disciplines covered, from Ebru to screen printing, loom weaving and loads more besides.
With everything starting to return to normal, you can visit the Hotwalls Open Studios once more - to chat with the makers, or even try your hand at making a few pieces to take home.
To get you started on just some of the things to see and do there, take a look at the following videos.
First, here's the story of the Hotwalls, detailing the change of use from old fortifications to modern designer-maker studios.
The Hotwalls Studios website is also a great resource for learning all about the studios themselves, as well as the makers that now work there. There's also a handy Creative Resources page for information on the studios themselves, as well as a directory of other creative ventures operating within Portsmouth.
If you want to try your hand at loom weaving, there's an interactive course run by Alice Hume (of Vanderhume, formerly in Studio 9). The Online Introduction to Woven Coasters Workshop is an ideal way to try your hand at a fun new skill. Whilst you're there, you can sign up for Alice's newsletter, to receive discount codes and free tutorials.
Meanwhile, James Mouland (formerly of Studio 13) is giving families the chance to try out ebru art. James has run his popular ebru workshops since 2016 and now has a digital tutorial that shows how to create a similar effect using low cost materials you'll already have or can pick up in supermarkets. So get some paper, paint and shaving foam ready to create some colourful masterpieces of your own!
If you're in the mood for some creative experimenting, kitchen litho printing could be just for you. This print method was invented in 2011, and works on the simple principle of oil and water repelling each other. To learn more, join award-winning artist Sadie Tierney for a digital tutorial.
All the updates and lastest fascinating videos can be found at the Hotwalls Studios' social channels across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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