Investigate the Conan Doyle Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes
Our Work
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The Collection contains all of Conan Doyle’s works, including first and early editions in many languages, derivative fiction, bound volumes and single issues of journals. The books are all catalogued and can be searched for, by title, via the library catalogue. They make up a considerable part of the Collection.
There are also a large number of pamphlets and journals including newsletters of Sherlock Holmes groups in various countries.
A selection of the books from the collection are available for reference use in the Local Studies section of the Central Library in Portsmouth.
No appointment is necessary.
A list of some of the catagories of books available is shown below:
To use this section of the library, you will need to bring one of the following forms of identification:
Opening times, and contact details for Portsmouth Central Library
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