On Saturday the 18th of November The Detectives launched their final exhibition ‘A Wondrous Odyssey: exploring Doyle’s books “The Lost World” and “The Poison Belt ” through art’
The Detectives created a physical gallery of art based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books the Lost World and the Poison Belt. The exhibition was launched with a dazzling immersive art experience, a short projection show, repeated throughout the day. Immersive artist Will Lindley helped The Detectives animate their artwork as a kaleidoscope of images set to an impressive soundtrack of sounds which they created with Paul Weston. The result was a unique, vibrant multi-sensory experience which pulled visitors into some new interpretations of the 1st books in the Professor Challenger series. The Detectives hope that their final project will raise awareness of the books.
Families enjoyed taking part in a range of craft activities including a dinosaur hunt and super challenge .
The art exhibition was shown between 18 November to 2 December at Central Library.
Copies of the Lost world, Poison Belt and other Professor Challenger stories are currently available at Central Library to borrow or reserve.
