The Detectives have been working hard on a spectacular puppet theatre production "The Case of the Missing Dinosaur" which formed part of the Summer Reading Challenge Winners event at Southsea Castle on September 24th 2023. All puppets were designed and made by hand by Splodge Designs, our detectives and members of local community groups and in workshops throughout the summer. The story, performed throughout the day, contained characters and scenery inspired by Doyle's story "The Lost World" including some very impressive dinosaurs and a Professor Challenger!
We were very excited to receive a visit from Splodge designs. We examined some puppet styles and the different mechanisms needed to make them move. Our Detectives worked on gathering ideas for the main characters and plot for the Dinosaur Mystery.
Children taking part in The Summer of Sherlock "Make and Take " workshops in libraries with artist Mandie and the Detectives also contributed to making some scenery for the performance as well as props to bring along to the Castle on the day. Fringed leaves, feathers and giant dinosaurs added to the magic of the performance and the Detectives trail at the Castle for the lucky Reading Challenge Winners!
When the big day came around we had over 500 people attend across 4 performances! We would love to say a massive thank you to all of those who attended and all of those involved in the making of this puppet show, including all the families who came along to the make and take workshops and helped make some of the props. The Detectives definitely have hidden talents as skilled puppeteers. Our sweeping Pterodactyl proved to be the most popular of our dinosaur puppets although the cute baby dinosaur in the egg, melted a few hearts.