Investigate the Conan Doyle Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes
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Once damp afternoon in the rough streets of London right by Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament sat Sherlock Holmes on a park bench reading the local newspaper. To his surprise Mary Moreston, his close work mate happened to be on the front cover. Instantly, he was worried for her, as recently they had been especially close. They had spent lot of time together whilst Dr Watson, her husband thought she was working on a murder case. She had lost feelings for Dr Watson, but couldn’t bring herself to tell him, as she was carrying his baby. She was 3 months pregnant now and needed to tell him, but she just didn’t know how too.
For the past week, Dr Watson had been following where she was going and he was fed up with her constant lies. He now knew about the affair and would do anything to get back at them for it.
A week later Dr Watson caught Molly walking alone, whilst the rain caused her make up to run down her face and her hair was dripping wet. He was already angry after being fired from his job and he lost it. He snuck up behind her, covered her eyes and grabbed the necklace, which he had given her on their honeymoon. He ripped it from her neck and pretty much choked her. Whilst rushing, he quickly put it in his back pocket. He had a tight grip on her and started to hit her, as he took all his anger out on her. She was left shaking and crying on the wet floor, full of fear. He ran slowly, starting to regret what he had done.
He got home, when he realised the necklace was no longer in his pocket. He started to panic and got in a state. He knew what this meant- prison was the last place he wanted to be.
Early in the morning Sherlock was strolling throughout the London streets with his pipe in his hand. He found Mary asleep on the floor, bruised and wet with her necklace lying next to her. He had never seen her without it. There were fingerprints on her face which looked familiar to Sherlock. Sherlock and Dr Watson used to be close friends when they were younger and he had seen the fingerprints from when Dr Watson always messed about with his stuff with his sticky fingers. Sherlock ran straight to Dr Watson’s house. He knocked for ages as he built up more and more anger with each knock. Eventually he busted the door open to find Dr Watson himself dead as he hung down from the banister.
The End
One sunny afternoon, Mrs Hudson ran up to Sherlock Holmes with a worried look on her pale face. “Your diamonds are gone!” She screamed “Don’t worry well find them.” replied Sherlock, then he set off.
In the kitchen was a small pool of rose red blood surrounding where the diamonds last sat. Sherlock extracted the blood from his polished tiles. “I’ll have to replace them.” he signed.
A few hours later after comparing the fingerprints of the suspects, he found a match. “Molly Hooper!” he shouted. You could hear the shock in his voice. He ran down to the beach to find Molly sitting with her goose, which was dressed up in diamonds – Sherlock’s diamonds!
It was a late Thursday evening and Sherlock was on a train heading to London. He was about to doze off, when he heard a conversation. He heard that there had been a murder at the house. Sherlock started panicking and thought about what he could do. He was helpless…
Two hours later he arrived at the door of the murder scene. He lived in a big house, big enough to be a mansion. Sherlock trembled as he walked to the door and opened it with a shiver down his spine. Mary Moreston was lying on the floor with a puddle of blood around her. The hound of the Baskervilles was there his paws covered in blood.
The next day, Sherlock decided to investigate the murder to find out who did it. He then put on a disguise and headed to the pub. He heard overheard a conversation about a man called Professor Moriarty who had trained the Hound of the Baskerville to kill Mary Moreston. Moriarty was tracked down and arrested the following day.
Sherlock, Watson and the Baker Street Irregulars sat on the crusty, dusty train chairs looking out onto the greenery outside the window. Watson stood up and walked to the back of the creaking train. He opened the door and then slammed it behind him. A moment later the bathroom door was reopened followed by an odd-looking Watson. He sat down next to Sherlock and broke into deep conversation. A shimmering light flew past Sherlock and caught his eyes. Sherlock got up and strutted to the toilet. Soon he burst out of the toilet holding a sheet of A5 paper with a series of musical notes written on it. Watson looked up and glanced at Sherlock. “Sherlock” said Watson “We’ve got a mission!” The train came to a halt. Sherlock whipped out his violin and started to play. He started to think, then the train started again and he dropped his bow. As Sherlock reach down to pick it up, an idea struck him and he knew that the train must stop immediately. Unfortunately, the train carried on and came to a halt at the venue. A couple of hours later they all jumped back on the train until the train stopped again at the same place as on the way there. Watson disappeared and didn’t come back for ages. Sherlock disappeared and didn’t come back for ages. Sherlock reached for his violin once again, then he played some random notes which corresponded to what was written on the note left. Sherlock walked up and down the train until he stopped at the bathroom door. He read the note in full. He slowly turned around and Watson was waiting with a knife behind Sherlock. An almighty yelp was heard. Who was killed?
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