These three jars are taken from the reproduction of Sherlock Holmes rooms at 221B Baker Street created by Richard Lancelyn Green.

Sulphur is a yellow naturally occurring element that used in black gunpowder, matches, and fireworks; in the vulcanization of rubber; as a fungicide, insecticide, and fumigant; in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers; and in the treatment of certain skin diseases. It featured in a number of the Sherlock Holmes stories including “Sherlock Holmes and the Shepherd’s Bushman” and Further Associates of Sherlock Holmes”: “Yes, Holmes. It was lime sulphur, and that would explain the damage to your fiancé's eyes and skin. It is highly corrosive. But how was this possible?”

Colocynth is a herb from which the ripe fruit is used as a medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, colocynth is used in combination products for treating constipation, liver, and gallbladder ailments.

Arrowroot is a starch powder taken from the root and rhizome (underground stem) to make medicine. Arrowroot is used as a nutritional food for infants and for people recovering from illness and for stomach and intestinal disorders, including diarrhea.In foods, arrowroot is used as an ingredient in cooking.
Arrowroot is mentioned in chapter 15 of "The Stark Munro Letters" (1895) - 'She was taking him the arrowroot... '