conan doyle watches over the multitude of fairies in Cottingley Beck Woods

One hot summer afternoon
July, 2017

Cousins Elsie (16) and Frances (9) are playing in Cottingley Beck Woods, West Yorkshire
and with profound discovery observe "fairies" secretly habitating their local wood. 

At extraordinary haste, and without permission, Elsie takes her father's precious 
"Midg" Quarter-plate photographic camera to document the "fairies" at play! 

What was to follow astonished Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and - later - a post-war World.
This is the story ... as documented in Conan Doyle's "Coming of the Fairies" (Pub.1922).

The fairies are arriving soon ... Please do "Watch this space!"

The Cottingley Fairies photographs on a timeline of when they were taken




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